Wednesday, August 10, 2011


Do you ever have days when your kids have more energy in that moment than you have patience for? Yeah, well it was one of those nights. You know, the one where they've eaten, bathed, and daddy still isn't home from work to pawn them off on so you can dig into your chocolate stash. What is my saving grace to get the wiggles out before story and bed time? High School Musical Dance Along Wii game. And bonus: I don't have to play with them! Dance away monkeys!!
He is just too cute for words, sometimes.
Apparently Makayla finds "digging for gold" more entertaining than the game. Classy.
She isn't the most coordinated kid either.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011


Yes, they wear the same size in clothes and shoes and even weight the same but do they really look like twins? It seems everywhere we go these days that is what the general public thinks. I especially love the "You're having ANOTHER ONE after twins?!" Please feel free to jump off a cliff, random stranger!

I don't think they look like twins. Just two pretty cute siblings.

Gotta teach them early

I don't like vacuuming. Maybe it is because I'm 38 weeks pregnant, or because I hate pushing around a 26 pound vacuum or maybe it is because I am completely lazy these days. Enter my awesome Leah who is usually very happy to tackle this task. Now if only I could teach her how to mop, and make dinner, and grocery shop. Hmmm...