Monday, September 14, 2009

Yes, he really is a big boy, thank you.

While in line to exchange an outfit I had gotten for Evan a month ago an older woman had come up behind me to admire my fat boy. As we made small talk waiting our turn she asked how old he is. I replied: 5 months as of last week. Then she said and I quote "Oh my he sure does like his food. You should think about putting him on a diet so you don't create health problems for him in the future". I simply said "He doesn't eat baby food. He is strictly boob so there is nothing to cut out of his diet", smiled at her and went on my way. Now I know that he is really big for his age, a 5 month old wearing 12month clothes and size 3-4 shoe. His doctor isn't concerned and once he is mobile he will lose some of it. But I think all his fat rolls make him look cute! Don't you?

1 comment:

Stephanie Saunders said...

I LOVE fat babies! And I HATE rude people. Some people have no tact. He's adorable!